
wave Get to know the Houston Budget.

The city budget is complicated. It can feel abstract and unclear.

It should be a tool for Houstonians to get the services they need.

Use this tool to learn about the budget and build support for what you want to see in it!

How much are we working with?think

Let's start with the big picture. What do you think the size of Houston's budget was in The city's fiscal year runs from July to June. Fiscal Year 2022 includes money received and spent from July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Fiscal Year 2022 (FY2022)? We'll give you a hint—it starts with 51:



The answer? $5.1 billion!money

Houston has the 5th largest budget in the United States, in terms of its sheer size.

Dividing among all Houstonians, that comes out to a spending equivalent to $2,476 per Houstonian. This data is compiled by Ballotpedia.

Top Budgets$8.1B$8.1BLos Angeles$5.1B$5.1BHouston$7.3B$7.3BChicago$4.5B$4.5BPhiladelphia$3.5B$3.5BAustin$3.6B$3.6BPortland$4.4B$4.4BSeattle$73B$73BNew York$7.9B$7.9BSan Francisco

What can $5.1B do?flex

$5.1 billion funds 28 departments in the City of Houston, to provide services such as:

Icon for Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

Icon for Library


Icon for Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management

and many more. The funds for these services come from your tax dollars.

Let's communicate what we want to see in your budget.

What if you could control the budget?wow

One way to talk about what we want the budget to fund is through services. Presented below are departments funded by the The General Fund is a $2.8 billion operating budget which supports a majority of city functions—including most of the departments you've heard of.General Fund.

What's most important to you? Some things to consider are:

Click to select the four departments that are most important to you!

0 out of 4 selected!

Fire Department

Houston Health Department

Parks and Recreation

Police Department

Municipal Courts Department


Finance Department

Houston Public Works

Department of Neighborhoods

Administration and Regulatory Affairs

Planning & Development


Office of Business Opportunity

General Services

Human Resources

Houston Emergency Center

Solid Waste Management

Fleet Management Department

Houston Information Technology Services

We think that budgets should be based on What the department wishes to achieve and the measurable results achieved after a period of time.outcomes, so let's review the outcomes in Houston's budget.

Here is an outcome. This is from your selected department, Fire Department.

(scroll down ↓)

Fire Department has more than just one outcome, though. There are 15 outcomes in the Fire Department, each represented by a square

All four of the departments you selected have their own reported outcomes. Select a square to read more about that outcome.

And there are more departments beyond the ones you selected.

Here is every "outcome" listed in the Houston budget, each represented by a square

We'll let you explore all of them later. For now, explore the outcomes among your four selected departments.

bricksBuild your own budget

Now that you know what your money goes toward, how would you like to distribute it?

Let's imagine a simplified version of the Houston budget with only these 4 departments and 10 “budget blocks.”

Move each of the blocks into a department. More blocks means you want more funding for that department.

Budget Blocks (10/10)
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
  • Dollar bill
0 out of 10 distributed!

Police Department


Fire Department


Municipal Courts Department


Houston Emergency Center


General Debt Service


General Government


Parks and Recreation


Houston Health Department




Department of Neighborhoods


Housing & Community Development


Solid Waste Management


General Services


Houston Public Works


Planning & Development


Administration and Regulatory Affairs


Finance Department




City Council


City Controller


Mayor's Office


Human Resources


Office of Business Opportunity


City Secretary


Houston Information Technology Services


Budgets should be based on outcomes. thumb

Remember this, from earlier? Now, you can explore every outcome in the budget, and select which ones you're most passionate about.

Each square represents one outcome.

Select any outcomes you are passionate about by clicking on them below.
You only need to select one to continue, but you can select as many as you want!

Fire Department

Houston Health Department

Parks and Recreation

Police Department

Municipal Courts Department


Finance Department

Houston Public Works

Department of Neighborhoods

Administration and Regulatory Affairs

Planning & Development


Office of Business Opportunity

General Services

Human Resources

Houston Emergency Center

Solid Waste Management

Fleet Management Department

Houston Information Technology Services

Please select at least one measure.

megaphoneLet's speak up!

In June 2022, our City Council Members will be voting on the budget for Fiscal Year 2023.

City Council Members are our neighbors, living in the District they represent. We elect them to represent us, so let's make sure they hear what you prioritized for the 2023 budget cycle!

Below, you can 1. locate your City Council member, 2. notify them of your values, and 3. share your budget with the world.

Step 1.

Find your City Council member:

  • I'm not from Houston, let me proceed anyway please ↓
  • Step 2.

    Share your preferences with your network:

    Live in Houston? Find your City Council member above!

    Want some help? Here are some options:

    Step 3.

    Share your preferences with the world!
